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Good fruit of the life with God

Mikuláš Török, 27.1. 2008

Luke 13:6-9 Then he told this parable: A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I have been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’ “ ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig round it and fertilise it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’ “

The parable of a dead (unbearing) fig tree points to several things.

The owner of the vineyard expects his harvest (v.7). Such a tree that doesn’t bear fruit will be cut down (v. 7).  But a good farmer will also do everything to save the tree so that it bears good fruit again, after receiving proper (needed) care (v.8-9).

God is the owner of the vineyard and the cultivator of the fruit grown there. We are those fig trees in His vineyard. So God expects fruit from us. It might be said He even requires fruit-bearing from us. It is legitimate – God gave us life, salvation, free entrance ticket into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ. Although it is for free, He still expects the fruit. The fruit in man’s life are acts of righteousness, new life according to God’s measure (standard), life in purity, truth, love, devotion and service to God. 

The tree that bears no fruit will be cut down. It may seem very strict at first sight. It looks like God collects a sort of tax from us in order to give us a chance to become citizens of His Kingdom. But it doesn’t work this way though. We profit from the fruit that God expects from us. Our life turns superior (better) because of it! We aren’t just instruments for bearing fruit to God. Perhaps we may say, He is primarily thinking of our profit and welfare. God delights and rejoices in it.

If someone comprehends this parable just from one side (point of view), he feels like being in a tight corner: Who bears no fruit, will be cut off! Such point of view produces bitterness, however, not a good life.

Some people speak about bearing good fruit to God as it was something very difficult. It seems to them hard to achieve or even unattainable. But Jesus speaks in the mentioned parable about the fact that He awaits (expects) the fig tree having figs. Now, He expects something quite natural for the fig tree. If it has enough moisture and isn’t affected or harmed, bearing figs is the most natural thing in the world. It’s impossible it bears another kind of fruit. 

It is the same with man. In fact, if he lives with God, the fruit of righteousness (that which God expects from man) will grow in him and “on him” by itself. It’s natural consequence of nursing by the Word of God and of the life together with God. God put this nature into our new identity which we obtained by turning to Jesus Christ. Before this occasion we had been empty because we had had no such identity.

It can be that a man wavers. Much like a fig tree goes dry and stops bearing fruit as a result of some disease, he also can get into a useless stage. But God is a good farmer who loves His children. Therefore He gives them another chance (v.8) – He persists in caring of them. He will do everything to get them to such a stage when their nature (bearing fruit of righteousness) will be alive again. But it’s just up to man what attitude he will assume to God’s care. 

God is infinitely patient and forgiving. He seeks to help man until the last minute, so that he can get into a “shape” of bearing good fruit. On the other hand, He really expects this fruit from us and asks for it. When He figures that a tree is truly incorrigibly bad, after He uses all instruments and chances for his reformation, He cuts it down. It lies upon us though whether this happens or not. God made everything available for us so that we can live great life and bear good fruit.
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